Language Access

Asian languages make up the top 5 languages most commonly spoken in Virginia, after English and Spanish. Yet, many Virginia state agencies offer inadequate and inconsistent language support, which locks linguistically-marginalized* folks out of critical services. All Virginians have the right to access the resources and support they need in their own language.

* linguistically-marginalized: groups and individuals who “use any dominant spoken or sign language, and are not fully proficient in the dominant language,” which in the U.S. is English.


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Health Access

Access to affordable healthcare is consistently ranked in the top 3 most important issues to Asian American voters in Virginia. Although federal, state, and local coverage options and programs exist, access to health coverage and vital care services are not guaranteed for all Virginians, which leads to poorer treatment outcomes and exacerbates health inequities.

We are a proud member of the Healthcare For All Virginians Coalition.


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Economic Justice

We support equitable economic opportunities, fair treatment, and protection of low-income Asian American Virginians. This includes addressing housing/rent costs, working conditions, wages, employment opportunities, income inequality, and more.

We are a proud member of Tax Fairness for All Virginians and Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights.


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Education Equity

Education is consistently ranked in the top 3 most important issues to Asian American voters in Virginia. However, many students, including Asian Americans, face barriers to accessing an inclusive and high-quality public education that is so vital to building strong communities. We support providing safe, supportive, and welcoming learning environments that are fully equipped to serve all students in all of their complexities.

We are a proud member of the Fund Our Schools Coalition.


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Defending Democracy

We defend our communities’ rights to freely participate in civil processes and maintain civil liberties, based on the issues identified by our community base of Asian American Virginians.

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