Download PDF here. Transcribed below:
- LAUNCHED NEW PROGRAMS to deepen political education (Growing Together), wellness (Healing Circles), and specific support for Asian American small business owners
- WORKED IN COALITIONS to improve language access for Medicaid and at the ballot box in Fairfax County, as well as to block efforts to limit early voting and block rolling back admissions reform at Governor’s schools
- LED THE ORGANIZING of a multi-racial and multi-faith effort to successfully block adoption of whitewashed History and Social Sciences standards that ignored years of input from Virginian students, parents, educators, historians, and other experts
- STRENGTHENED RELATIONSHIPS with faith institutions with predominantly Asian American membership
- 48,931 Asian American voters reached out to
- 87 citizenship applications & fee waivers submitted
- 74 healthcare applications submitted and referrals conducted
- 23 small business owners supported
- 22 outreach events
- 10 Healing Circles
- 7 vaccine clinics and workshops
Donate and join our efforts today!
Flyer designed by Sara Cha.